Monday, April 13, 2020

Who expected 2020 to be so bad?

2020 is what 2012 should have been and 2012 would have loved it.  Right?  LOL!  Yeah, we got COVID-19 going on right now.  People are panicking and people are buying up toilet paper like crazy.  As "The Kid From Brooklyn" Michael Caracciolo would have said, "the whole world's coming to an end!"  It seems to be that way and I agree with Big Mike to a certain extent.  I hope things get better for 2020.  I try to make this blog to be as positive & optimistic as possible.  If you've read my obituaries and stuff, eh not that positive & optimistic.  I have nothing else to say on this matter.  Here's 3 good sources for this COVID-19 mess:

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

That's it.  I'm gonna take a break from this blog.  I'll continue writing in May.  If I feel like writing something else in April, I'll write something here for sure.