Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The 2010's

I must say that the 2010's was an interesting decade and it was also a somewhat tumultuous decade.  Originally I was going to get heavily into the negative and pessimistic aspects.  You know what?  I will not.  You read enough doom and gloom on Blogspots everywhere.  I am an optimistic and positive person.  I'll go into some bad stuff, because the 2010's was full of that.  However, I'm not gonna to make you sad when you read this.  I will not get into that stuff for this blog entry.

The beginning of the 2010's was not that bad.  The early 2010's for me personally were a bit rough.  I will say that I did have my first full band.  The band was called Abysshorde.  We only lasted for 6 months in 2011.  That was a cool thing, unfortunately we only got to make one recording.  I have it too and I think that it won't ever see the light of day.  Then I had the band Sonic Derp.  It lasted for 6 months in 2012.  Honestly, I thought Sonic Derp sucked a lot and I don't want to get into why.  One or two good songs were recorded, that's it.  In 2013, I had Pizza Corpse and Pizza Corpse lasted for less than 6 months if I'm not mistaken.  Pizza Corpse was a step up from Sonic Derp, somewhat better.  Only one demo was released and there's a bunch of unreleased songs that won't see the light of day.  Pizza Corpse did reunite in 2019 and we renamed ourselves Satanic Lust.

Unfortunately this decade had many deaths.  I called 2016 "The Year of Death."  We lost David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Gene Wilder, etc.  I also had a few friends that died in the 2010's.   Even my dad died in 2016.  For notable deaths in 2016, click here.  I was not too crazy about 2012 and 2016 at all.  I will not get into those years.  Perhaps I will cover those years another time.

What a decade it has been!  For a better retrospective of 2019 and the 2010s, click here.  Happy New Year's Eve everyone!  I hope 2020 to be awesome!  Hindsight is 2020!  I will be posting a New Year's Day entry for 2020!

Monday, December 30, 2019

All About 2019

2019 was an okay year.  What a year to end a lackluster decade.  2010's was not a cool decade.  I didn't think 2019 was the best year of the 2nd decade of the 21st century.  I unfortunately had to move to a state I did not intend on ever living in my life.  Sure I'm very close to my vacation home... but whatever.  I will move back to New York one day.  2019 was not a real great year to me.  Another year with Trump (not a fan of him, sorry, not sorry) and nothing really eventful for me.

I'll remember 2019 for not only the year I moved to some shit state, but I will remember it for being the year I got around to finally releasing an actual album.  I did this with Spinal Stenosis and hopefully I'll get at least one more album for next year.  The album is called Gorethrash.  You may check it out there and even buy it.  I know you probably won't... perhaps one day I'll provide a free link of it here.

The year did come with some surprises, but they're rather personal.  One is family related and I'd rather not mention it at all.

I have nothing else to say about 2019.  I hope the next year will be better.  I also hope the new decade will be way much better than the 2010's.  My next blog entry will be all about the 2010's.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Four Years Ago... Lemmy Died

It has been four years since Lemmy Kilmster of Motörhead died.  I was saddened by his passing.  He lived to 70 and he was only 70 for four days.  Unfortunately, I never got to see Motörhead live.  I know I had plenty of opportunities.  He was a real awesome musician.  I like his work in Hawkwind too.  He even was cool in The Rockin' Vickers.  He had a supergroup called The Head Cat.  I haven't checked them out.

Lemmy's passing was not too surprising.  He had lived quite a wild lifestyle and he had cancer.  I knew he'd live to 70 for some reason.  I'm glad he did.  I wonder what he would think of the state of rock music nowadays.

Believe it or not, that's actually a picture of me taken on my 21st birthday (05/27/2005).  Sadly, I do not own that Motörhead shirt anymore.  Those shirts are easy to find and I'll probably get another at some point in the near future.  I've been a fan of Lemmy and Motörhead for over 14 years.  He was not an influence as a musician, but I thought he was excellent.

R.I.P. Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister.  It is too bad that I never got to see him live.  He left plenty of music behind and people still listen to his music today.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Review: Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES) Was Not So Bad

Why in the world did Street Fighter Alpha 2 for the SNES exist?!  Why didn't they release the first Street Fighter Alpha first?  I have no idea.  I've been a big fighting game fan for years and I played many fighting games growing up in the 1990's.  It is bizarre that they decided to make a port of this game for the SNES.  I was not too thrilled about this port at first.  It was also not published by Capcom, it was published by Nintendo.  Capcom was more focused on publishing games for CD-based consoles at the time.

This was one of the very few SNES games to be actually 32-bits.  That's right.  The SNES was not only capable of handling 16-bit games, it also was capable of handling 32-bit games.  I forgot about other 32-bit games for the SNES.  Oh, Donkey Kong Country?

The game is a bit choppy (especially the sound), but it's so close to being arcade perfect.  There is a little bit of loading issues in this game.  There is this noticeable pause after the announcer says "fight" before you fight.  One notable aspect of this game is the fact that it is the only non-Street Fighter II game in the Street Fighter series that was ever released on the SNES.  If I'm not mistaken, this was one of the final SNES games period.  This was released at a point in time where the SNES was just about an obsolete console.  Nintendo was focusing their time with the Nintendo 64.

I thought it wasn't so bad.  The graphics are quite sweet.  The sound is actually not bad either, if it wasn't choppy it'd be great.  Some sounds are missing, but that's fine.  This isn't my go to Street Fighter game for the SNES... that would be SF II: Turbo or even SF II: The World Warrior.  It played pretty well and I loved how it was kind of close to being arcade perfect.  Better than the arcade version or the PSX version, no.  I only played this game a few times.  Final verdict?  I'd give it a 3/5.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Thoughts on Last.fm

Last.fm has been around for well over fifteen years on the internet.  What happened to this amazing site?  I fondly remember joining this website in late June 2005 under the username CynicalDev.  Then I had a few usernames after that.  I decided to register to Last.fm in June 2013 and now I'm ChaosDevin* nowadays.  What has been going on with Last.fm?  It has been in the beta stages since 2015.  This is quite alarming since most sites under the beta stage move on.  Last.fm has stupidly been in the beta stage for nearly five years.  Yes, you read that right.  Five years!!!  No site that I've ever known has ever been in the beta stage for that long.

I'm amazed that this website is still alive.  I could go on and on about the negative stuff (like their recent censorship of certain artists).  Alas, I will not do that.  Simply ask anyone who has been a member for years and they'll let you know the negative points.  I do not want to focus on the negative points of Last.fm in this blog entry.

Well that does it for this entry.  Have a nice day!

*I originally registered with the username GodofDeathMetal, but decided to change my username to ChaosDevin.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

December already?

It is December and 2019 is coming to an end.  Not only is 2019 coming to end, but the 2010's will be coming to an end.  I'll post a retrospective of the 2010's in my next blog entry.  I dunno what I was going to write for this entry.  My last entry was a review for some web show that I accidentally came across.  It's not that bad of a show.  You should read my last entry on that if you want to.  I don't know what to write down, but I know I will write much more in my next entry.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Review: A bizarre, but amazing kids webtoon series

Today's blog entry is different.  Today I'm gonna be reviewing this web series I came across.  This was a strange thing I found in the related videos (technically not called that anymore, but I'll always call it that) section on YouTube a week ago.  It's called My Magic Pet Morphle.  What is this?  There's not too much information about it.  However, you may take a gander at the Facebook page if you want.  There's also an IMDb entry for it as well.  Interestingly, I couldn't find a TV Tropes entry for it or even a Wikipedia entry for it.  What's up with this?

This was the video I came across a week ago.  It's actually not bad.  If I was a parent myself, I would totally let my child watch this.  It's an original show.  The premise of it (in my own words) is about a young girl named Mila who has a magic pet "morphle" simply named Morphle.  They are both the best of friends and they have adventures.  Morphle (yep, you guessed it) has the ability to morph into anything Mila tells Morphle to morph into.  Watch the video above to check it out.  I thought it was weird, but thought to myself that I'd love this show if I was 4 or 5 years old again.

I was a bit captivated by this.  I couldn't watch it all the way through, but I'd be more than happy to watch it with my child (if I had one).  The animation is quite smooth and good.  The colors are also vibrant and nice.  This webtoon series is a hidden gem of the 2010's.  Now there's no rhyme or reason why Morphle exists.  Perhaps there will be an origin story about him.

I have not much else to say about My Magic Pet Morphle.  Are you a parent and looking for a new show for your child to watch?  I highly recommend My Magic Pet Morphle.  Go to the official website for more videos.  Well I guess this is my first review on here.  I reviewed some web series for kids.  What's my final verdict on this?  5/5!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Real Post #9!

I have no idea what were the original eight entries I wrote.  In fact, I don't even remember when I started this blog in the first place.  2007?  2008?  2009?  I have no idea.  I honestly didn't document it and heck, I don't think the Wayback Machine even has it in their archives.  Sad... I only remember I decided to stop this blog for personal reasons in 2012.  Then I decided to give Blogger another stab.  Guess what?  I love it and I'll continue to write more blog entries as time goes by.

I have no idea what I wanted to write for my 9th blog entry.  Then I realized it was eleven years since I came out to everyone.  I originally came out to the love of my life in late March of 2008.  A couple of days ago was also National Coming Out Day.  I came out earlier in October of 2008.  I think it was October 5?  Yeah, it was.  It was quite a day.

Don't forget to check out blog entry #8, if you haven't read it!  Go read it!  Sorry this blog entry wasn't that great.  I had no idea what to write.  I was thinking about writing my coming out story in great detail.  Perhaps I'll write about it in a future blog entry.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Keep me awake for September!

Keep me awake for September, no hurry for it to end!  I guess I made fun of that Green Day song in a way.  September was my least favorite month during my childhood since I began school that month.  I didn't like school at all.  That's another blog entry for another time.  September has been my favorite month for quite some time now.  Why?  September has the best weather here in my vicinity in the northeastern region of the U.S.  I also don't have to go back to school!

I don't have much else to say about September.  Here's a video for you to enjoy.  I plan to write reviews for music albums, movies, TV shows, books and more!  I hope you read those reviews when I get to them!  Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Broken Hope!

Broken Hope is a rock (to be more precise, death metal) band that formed in the late 1980s.  They are the first death metal band to record a digital (from start to finish) full-length album (Swamped in Gore) in 1991.  I dunno why I wanna write about them.  They're a damn good death metal band that y'all should know about.

Here's probably my favorite song by Broken Hope.  It's a music video and not audio only!  This is a spectacular song that is amazing from start to finish.  I love this song a lot.  It's one of my most played Broken Hope songs.  It's heavy, fast, cool and I would even say technical.  They do have technical elements in their songs.  You want to listen to their most technical songs?  Check out their album Grotesque Blessings.  That is one incredible technical death metal album.  It influenced Sexcrement a lot.  Check out the album Genitales from the Porno Potty.  The first track on that album has drumming highly similar to the drumming found on the first track on Grotesque Blessings.  Seriously, I'm not kidding on that.  I'm The Death Metal God and I have knowledge on death metal!

This has to be my most played Broken Hope song of all-time!  "Incinerated" is a heavy, hard and fast death metal tune!  This is a fun tune!  My goodness, this is a blast.  I was surprised when they re-recorded this on the album Omen of Disease.  They call it "Incinerated (2013 Redux)" and it's a monster track!  I honestly find it SLIGHTLY better than the original.  No kidding on this.  You need to take my word for it since I am THE DEATH METAL GOD and don't you forget that!!!  LOL!  Hehe!  I provide that below.  Compare and contrast the two...

Here's the 2013 version of "Incinerated" in all its glory.  Oh my, oh my!  What a track!  It's explosive.  A new vocalist is on this track.  In case you don't know, original Joe Ptacek tragically committed suicide in 2010.  I was shocked when it happened.  I thought it was a big loss in the death metal realm.  I never thought Broken Hope would come back.  I was wrong, they regrouped in 2012 with Damian Leski taking Ptacek's place.

Look at this sour puss above.  Get a load (uh huh huh huh huh, I said load) of this guy!  That's Ryan Stanek.  An ex-drummer of Broken Hope who actually screwed Broken Hope fans out of money.  Fans gave Broken Hope money for merchandise and this dick scammed fans out of merch.  He would take the money and then use it for his own personal gain.  This creep died in 2015 of a heart attack at the age of 42.  No real great loss.

I have nothing else to add to this blog entry about this cool death metal band.  Don't know 'em?  Well, that's them above.  I highly recommend Swamped in Gore.  Get that album first.  Then if you like that, continue with other albums in their discography.  They have a meaty discography now that they've been back since 2012.  They are churning out some good music.  Shockingly, they used some scrapped song titles like "Rendered into Lard" on their comeback album Omen of Disease.  Their latest album is Mutilated and Assimilated.  It's a good album, I prefer Omen of Disease more.  My favorite is obviously Swamped in Gore.  Well there you have it.  Broken Hope.  Check 'em out!  I do provide some songs in this blog.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Happy belated birthday to Ron Paul, Dimebag Darrell and my longtime friend Suzanne McCaig!

Yesterday were three birthdays I missed.  Ron Paul's, Dimebag's and my friend Suzanne's.  Actually, I wished her a happy birthday on her Facebook page.  Suzanne is my oldest friend.  We have been friends for 29 years.  So happy birthday to them and anyone else who had a birthday on August 20.  I was going to write a long blog post on my friendship with Suzanne.  I decided not to and that might be a future blog entry.  Today I'll be focusing on the man pictured above.

Dimebag Darrell Abbott was the guitarist of Pantera.  He was also a guitarist in Damage Plan and Rebel Meets Rebel.  My first exposure to Pantera's music was in the late 1990s.  I went to a local mom and pop record store called Tapeville in Nanuet. NY.  I almost bought the live album and then some employee recommended Cowboys from Hell.  I bought that album instead and I enjoyed it.  The next album I got from Pantera was Reinventing the Steel.  Those were the only two Pantera albums I had for several years until I decided to check out the first four albums by Pantera.  They're highly superior to the 1990s albums, IMO.  I know it's a super unpopular opinion.  The only groove metal albums by Pantera I truly enjoy are Cowboys from Hell and Reinventing the Steel.  To me the rest are boring as shit.  My favorite Pantera album overall is I Am The Night.  That is one amazing album and it has Dimebag's best guitar work, IMO!

Pantera was highly unfair for letting us hang and not telling us fans anything between 2001-2004.  It was unclear if they were on hold, disbanded or whatever.  The status of the band was unknown.  Better yet, Pantera should have resumed with Terry Glaze since Phil Anselmo was too busy with Superjoint Ritual (who I loved at the time, now I'm not that into them these days).  There were shockingly plans for a Terry Glaze reunion in the works from what I read.  Unfortunately, tragedy struck on December 8, 2004 when Dimebag got shot to death on stage in Columbus, Ohio.  To be brutally honest, I was not affected by Dimebag's death, but I know a lot of fans perceived his death as the "9/11 of metal."  I wouldn't go that far with his death.  It was shitty that happened and there was no need for it to happen.  It could have been totally prevented too.

I have former friends that did disrespect Dimebag's death.  I even was with them and then as time went by... now I do not find humor in Dimebag's death.  Since I'm a better person, I feel his death was unwarranted and it was a major injustice on his part.  He should be still alive to this day.  Same with Vinnie Paul Abbott... I know he died of "dilated cardiomyopathy and coronary artery disease."  However, I know he was also heart broken when his beloved brother Darrell was killed.  I know he couldn't take it.  Those two brothers were close and they had bands together.

Well I guess that's that.  Dimebag's death is best documented elsewhere.  Happy belated to Dimebag Darrell Abbott!  R.I.P. Dimebag.

What happened to hejhog?

This blog entry is about a somewhat known YouTuber from 2007.  His name was hejhog.  I know little about this up and coming (at the time) YouTuber, but I do remember drama surrounding him with a YouTube terms of service/community guidelines rule that never got enforced.  It was enforced some time in 2007 and who knows who reported him for being under 13.  YouTubers such as him and galipoka happened to be under 13, but they had highly entertaining videos.  There's lowlife energy forms I do not want to mention, but they are probably likely to blame why hejhog's YouTube career was cut tragically short.  These younger YouTubers did random stuff on video and they were even better than Shane Dawson.  YouTube was a much different animal in its first years.  Technically, if you were a person under the age of 13, you needed a parent or guardian to start up a channel to supervise the channel.  These days, you do have some persons under 13 who do have responsible and caring parents that run channels that feature their children.  Then you had hejhog and galipoka, their parents didn't supervise their channels.

The moral of the story is if you're under 13 and you seriously want a YouTube channel, make sure you get your parents' or guardian's permission first.  They will be more than happy to assist you with your channel (unless they object, but nowadays I don't think they will).  Do not end up like hejhog or galipoka.  A few of his videos have survived and have been reuploaded over time.  YouTube was a bit more lenient back then.  I don't know when hejhog started exactly, I came across him a bit later in 2007.  Then you got some people who were nerds who also happened to be tattletales.  These people got hejhog and galipoka in trouble.  Strangely, they never got Drew Monson (aka mytoecold) in trouble... I'll talk about him in a future blog entry.

Here's a perfect example of hejhog's creativity and zaniness at work.  This dude was brilliant and he should have been a huge YouTube star at this point in time.  However, he tried 2 more times after his original channel got suspended.  He went by "hejhog2" and that was ill-fated.  He reuploaded most if not all of his videos.  He eventually turned 13 at some point in October or November 2007.  He went with his 3rd channel, 3rd time's a charm, right?  Wrong, he decided he had enough and then moved on.

Here is the last known video of hejhog.  This is off his last known channel, which did not get deleted since he made it at the minimum age for creating a channel by himself without parental supervision.  He went by the username oybutoy.  He has not logged in for several years.  The last thing he did was favorite a video.  He hasn't been seen or heard from again on YouTube.  Perhaps, he goes by another name that I'm not aware of.  Today, that TOS/community guidelines rule is barely enforced, unless there's an obvious child who started up their own channel without the supervision of a parent or guardian uploads their videos.  I don't think you have tattletales anymore who report unsupervised child channels anymore.  Who knows, I have no idea.  The politics of YouTube is way too weird, especially since Google bought it.

So what happened to hejhog?  Does anyone know?  I used to be friends with him on YouTube.  Back then, you were able to add friends.  YouTube did away with the friend feature.  It was when I had my original username mickbynes.  I'm curious to know.  Every now and then when I meditate, I think of hejhog.  I miss this dude.  He's 24 going on 25 today, I'd honestly like to know how he is doing.  What became of him and I hope he's safe & well.  I do remember messaging him twice on YouTube, but he never messaged me back.  I know he probably couldn't respond due to the fact that he got a high volume of messages.  If you're reading this hejhog, please comment.   I'm not the only one here in Internetland who misses you.  We'd love to hear from you again!   If anyone else here knows about his whereabouts... please leave a comment.  Thank you!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Two entries in one day? Wowie zowie! I'm listening to Fugazi, FYI.

That's right, I have decided to go for another blog entry for today.  Look, I know that this blog will not be read.  Maybe if you're a fudd, you may be reading this?  Anyway... I'm listening to Fugazi's Instrument Soundtrack album at the moment.  I decided to check out Fugazi after reading that 311 played their first show with Fugazi.  I read about this during my early days as a 311 fan (circa 1998).  I got their Repeater + 3 Songs album first.  It was the only album I had for years.  As time went by, I got the rest of Fugazi's discography and I've been doing a discography run of Fugazi.  This discography run started on 4/24/17 according to my iTunes library.  Fugazi is a great band, but not one of my favorites.  I have listened to more of their material and I gotta say that Repeater + 3 Songs is probably their best.  Many Fugazi fans will most likely agree with me on this as well.  Yeah... well enough on Fugazi.  What else do I have on my mind?

Rick and Morty.  My friend Kevin Monahan says that season 4 is a hoax (I think in his own words, he calls it a "troll").  Now is it?  I dunno.  I look forward to a season 4 of Rick and Morty.  Interestingly, I knew about Rick and Morty since it was a new animated show.  However, I didn't start watching it in 2017.  In 2017, I fell in love with the animated show.  Heck, I will even say that it's better than South Park!!! South Park has dwindled in the past few years, IMO.  Ever since they introduced PC Principal, it went totally downhill.  I have watched all of the episodes from season one to season twenty.  However, I have only watched three episodes from season 21.  I dunno... I think it's not as good as it was anymore.  I had the most fun watching it any time between 2007-2010.  Maybe, maybe to 2011... I wish South Park was awesome again.  Maybe I'll have to watch episodes 4-10 in season 21 and all of season 22.  I have the DVD's and when I feel like it... I'll watch them!

Hehe, as I'm writing this... I'm still listening to Fugazi and I thought I was listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers.  Dude, the song Cashout by Fugazi sounds like a Red Hot Chili Peppers song!!!  Cray cray, right?  Woah!!!!!!  Now that blows my fuckin' mind, man.  Yeah Fugazi rocks!

I'm having fun with these blogs entries.  I know I'm not gonna be this overnight sensation with my blogs.  I don't intend that to happen.  If you are reading this, I highly recommend you getting in contact with me and talk about it with me.  I have my contact info in my previous blog.  One day, I might consider doing vlogs.  Actually... I might have done that already.  Take a gander at my YouTube page. Geez, what was I thinking with that legacy username?  I'm one of the lucky YouTubers that registered at a point in time where you had the ability to have your own username instead of some random weird bollocks that YT sets up for you.  I know if you got some creator privileges or whatever, you may set up a unique YT URL and it has "/c/" instead of "/user/" if I'm not mistaken.

Am I going for an epic blog entry?  Maybe... I dunno!  Do I have any deep, insightful, witty, etc. things to tell you all?  Hmm... no, but one of the best pieces of advice I learned from 311 is "stay positive and love your life" from Jupiter off Transistor.   That's a real game changer if you seriously follow that and you take that seriously.  You got the world in your hands and you're gonna do exuberantly well.  I'll most likely never understand why people have so much low vibration and negative energy.  I would love to eradicate all of the low vibration and negative energy that is plaguing the world.  Seriously!  Who is with me on this?!  We need to get more high vibration and positive energy!  We can do it!  I take action every single day with my life to improve myself and I'm full of high vibes & positive energy.  I truly mean it.  I'm in this incredible journey we call life.  I may not have all of the answers for you and I may not be the best person in the whole entire world.  I will tell you to stay positive and love your life!  That's my best piece of sound advice for anyone who reads this blog.

That's it.  I got nothing else to write.  So much for an epic blog entry?  Maybe next time...

I have decided to continue using the name Mick Bynes

Yes, I have decided to continue using my long time alias"Mick Bynes" since I'm known as that in IRC servers and other places on the internet.  It'll be rare that I use that name when I register to sites, I'll go with ChaosDevin, KaosDevin or even my full name.  However, I have decided phase out the Mick Bynes alias for music projects.  Now I got my real name removed from MyLife.com, so that's a good thing.  Ya know what's weird?  I had an insanely high score on there.  I gave up that high reputable score.  Seriously?  The highest score I've ever seen on there was a friend's mother (name withheld, I don't want you looking her up for her privacy and security) and someone else (I will also withhold their name for their privacy and security)... Really?  That person has a higher score than me!  I say more power to them and they're a better person than me!  Bravo!

I dunno what else to jot down.  I'm in the process of moving at the moment.  I'm moving from my long time home of Pomona, NY to Brick, NJ.  Personal reasons and financial reasons are the reasons why.  And I know down in Brick, I'll be able to get a job.  I can't get a job anywhere in Rockland and I haven't for 11 years.  Eleven years!  However, during 2014-2016... I was working with my father (R.I.P., he died of prostate cancer on his birthday on September 12, 2016) with his garage door company.  It paid well, because he got paid well.  He had some high-end customers.  I was highly fortunate during my childhood since he had such high class clientele.  That's how I had all the TMNT action figures, video games and whatever else I wanted as a child.  I had a brilliant childhood and it was awesome.  Not too many people can say that.  I'll get into more with my childhood in a future posting.

That's pretty much it.  If you're wondering what else is going on... umm... hit me up on Facebook and/or Last.fm.  I'm highly active on both of those sites.  OH you may even also message me on Tumblr (yes, I'm a Tumblr freakazoid lol!  who cares...)...  I will be more than happy to communicate with youse.  Thanks for reading and I hope you have an awesome day!  Peace, love, joy, high vibes and positive energy to all of you reading!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Meh, lemme give this another chance!

I have decided to give this blog another go.  I have another that's sort of based on libertarian stuff... but it's not that impressive.  What's going on with my life at this point in time?  I'm actually moving to southern NJ due to financial and personal reasons.  I have my music on hold at the moment.  I got two bands... Spinal Stenosis and Satanic Lust.  I wanna focus more on Satanic Lust.  However, these bands may dissolve since I'm starting up a new life in NJ.  I hope to have a better opportunity down there.

I don't know what else to jot down.  Nobody gives a fuck about this blog.  If you found it, awesome.  Thank you for reading.  By the time you read this, I'll probably call this Blog of Devin Palladino.  I have given another thought on my alias Mick Bynes.  I have decided to use my real name for Spinal Stenosis... since I go by my real name with Satanic Lust and whatever other project I may be involved with from now on.