Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The 2010's

I must say that the 2010's was an interesting decade and it was also a somewhat tumultuous decade.  Originally I was going to get heavily into the negative and pessimistic aspects.  You know what?  I will not.  You read enough doom and gloom on Blogspots everywhere.  I am an optimistic and positive person.  I'll go into some bad stuff, because the 2010's was full of that.  However, I'm not gonna to make you sad when you read this.  I will not get into that stuff for this blog entry.

The beginning of the 2010's was not that bad.  The early 2010's for me personally were a bit rough.  I will say that I did have my first full band.  The band was called Abysshorde.  We only lasted for 6 months in 2011.  That was a cool thing, unfortunately we only got to make one recording.  I have it too and I think that it won't ever see the light of day.  Then I had the band Sonic Derp.  It lasted for 6 months in 2012.  Honestly, I thought Sonic Derp sucked a lot and I don't want to get into why.  One or two good songs were recorded, that's it.  In 2013, I had Pizza Corpse and Pizza Corpse lasted for less than 6 months if I'm not mistaken.  Pizza Corpse was a step up from Sonic Derp, somewhat better.  Only one demo was released and there's a bunch of unreleased songs that won't see the light of day.  Pizza Corpse did reunite in 2019 and we renamed ourselves Satanic Lust.

Unfortunately this decade had many deaths.  I called 2016 "The Year of Death."  We lost David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Gene Wilder, etc.  I also had a few friends that died in the 2010's.   Even my dad died in 2016.  For notable deaths in 2016, click here.  I was not too crazy about 2012 and 2016 at all.  I will not get into those years.  Perhaps I will cover those years another time.

What a decade it has been!  For a better retrospective of 2019 and the 2010s, click here.  Happy New Year's Eve everyone!  I hope 2020 to be awesome!  Hindsight is 2020!  I will be posting a New Year's Day entry for 2020!

Monday, December 30, 2019

All About 2019

2019 was an okay year.  What a year to end a lackluster decade.  2010's was not a cool decade.  I didn't think 2019 was the best year of the 2nd decade of the 21st century.  I unfortunately had to move to a state I did not intend on ever living in my life.  Sure I'm very close to my vacation home... but whatever.  I will move back to New York one day.  2019 was not a real great year to me.  Another year with Trump (not a fan of him, sorry, not sorry) and nothing really eventful for me.

I'll remember 2019 for not only the year I moved to some shit state, but I will remember it for being the year I got around to finally releasing an actual album.  I did this with Spinal Stenosis and hopefully I'll get at least one more album for next year.  The album is called Gorethrash.  You may check it out there and even buy it.  I know you probably won't... perhaps one day I'll provide a free link of it here.

The year did come with some surprises, but they're rather personal.  One is family related and I'd rather not mention it at all.

I have nothing else to say about 2019.  I hope the next year will be better.  I also hope the new decade will be way much better than the 2010's.  My next blog entry will be all about the 2010's.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Four Years Ago... Lemmy Died

It has been four years since Lemmy Kilmster of Motörhead died.  I was saddened by his passing.  He lived to 70 and he was only 70 for four days.  Unfortunately, I never got to see Motörhead live.  I know I had plenty of opportunities.  He was a real awesome musician.  I like his work in Hawkwind too.  He even was cool in The Rockin' Vickers.  He had a supergroup called The Head Cat.  I haven't checked them out.

Lemmy's passing was not too surprising.  He had lived quite a wild lifestyle and he had cancer.  I knew he'd live to 70 for some reason.  I'm glad he did.  I wonder what he would think of the state of rock music nowadays.

Believe it or not, that's actually a picture of me taken on my 21st birthday (05/27/2005).  Sadly, I do not own that Motörhead shirt anymore.  Those shirts are easy to find and I'll probably get another at some point in the near future.  I've been a fan of Lemmy and Motörhead for over 14 years.  He was not an influence as a musician, but I thought he was excellent.

R.I.P. Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister.  It is too bad that I never got to see him live.  He left plenty of music behind and people still listen to his music today.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Review: Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES) Was Not So Bad

Why in the world did Street Fighter Alpha 2 for the SNES exist?!  Why didn't they release the first Street Fighter Alpha first?  I have no idea.  I've been a big fighting game fan for years and I played many fighting games growing up in the 1990's.  It is bizarre that they decided to make a port of this game for the SNES.  I was not too thrilled about this port at first.  It was also not published by Capcom, it was published by Nintendo.  Capcom was more focused on publishing games for CD-based consoles at the time.

This was one of the very few SNES games to be actually 32-bits.  That's right.  The SNES was not only capable of handling 16-bit games, it also was capable of handling 32-bit games.  I forgot about other 32-bit games for the SNES.  Oh, Donkey Kong Country?

The game is a bit choppy (especially the sound), but it's so close to being arcade perfect.  There is a little bit of loading issues in this game.  There is this noticeable pause after the announcer says "fight" before you fight.  One notable aspect of this game is the fact that it is the only non-Street Fighter II game in the Street Fighter series that was ever released on the SNES.  If I'm not mistaken, this was one of the final SNES games period.  This was released at a point in time where the SNES was just about an obsolete console.  Nintendo was focusing their time with the Nintendo 64.

I thought it wasn't so bad.  The graphics are quite sweet.  The sound is actually not bad either, if it wasn't choppy it'd be great.  Some sounds are missing, but that's fine.  This isn't my go to Street Fighter game for the SNES... that would be SF II: Turbo or even SF II: The World Warrior.  It played pretty well and I loved how it was kind of close to being arcade perfect.  Better than the arcade version or the PSX version, no.  I only played this game a few times.  Final verdict?  I'd give it a 3/5.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Thoughts on Last.fm

Last.fm has been around for well over fifteen years on the internet.  What happened to this amazing site?  I fondly remember joining this website in late June 2005 under the username CynicalDev.  Then I had a few usernames after that.  I decided to register to Last.fm in June 2013 and now I'm ChaosDevin* nowadays.  What has been going on with Last.fm?  It has been in the beta stages since 2015.  This is quite alarming since most sites under the beta stage move on.  Last.fm has stupidly been in the beta stage for nearly five years.  Yes, you read that right.  Five years!!!  No site that I've ever known has ever been in the beta stage for that long.

I'm amazed that this website is still alive.  I could go on and on about the negative stuff (like their recent censorship of certain artists).  Alas, I will not do that.  Simply ask anyone who has been a member for years and they'll let you know the negative points.  I do not want to focus on the negative points of Last.fm in this blog entry.

Well that does it for this entry.  Have a nice day!

*I originally registered with the username GodofDeathMetal, but decided to change my username to ChaosDevin.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

December already?

It is December and 2019 is coming to an end.  Not only is 2019 coming to end, but the 2010's will be coming to an end.  I'll post a retrospective of the 2010's in my next blog entry.  I dunno what I was going to write for this entry.  My last entry was a review for some web show that I accidentally came across.  It's not that bad of a show.  You should read my last entry on that if you want to.  I don't know what to write down, but I know I will write much more in my next entry.