Friday, September 18, 2020

COVID-19 is not a hoax you conspiracy theory idiots!


I would have never thought of living through a pandemic in my lifetime.  This one is a real bad one.  I am no conspiracy theory nut, so I fully support that this COVID-19 thing is 100% real.  I cannot believe people are believing this to be a hoax.  Go tell Will Carroll that it's a hoax... he had it!  So shut the fuck up!  You are a dumb ass if you believe it is fake.  You are no better than the flat earthers.  They are wrong and so are you!

Ya know, I had no idea what to write down for this blog.  So... umm maybe I'll write something better.  Happy September!  This is my favorite month of the year.  I hope you all have a great day/night!