Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Review: A bizarre, but amazing kids webtoon series

Today's blog entry is different.  Today I'm gonna be reviewing this web series I came across.  This was a strange thing I found in the related videos (technically not called that anymore, but I'll always call it that) section on YouTube a week ago.  It's called My Magic Pet Morphle.  What is this?  There's not too much information about it.  However, you may take a gander at the Facebook page if you want.  There's also an IMDb entry for it as well.  Interestingly, I couldn't find a TV Tropes entry for it or even a Wikipedia entry for it.  What's up with this?

This was the video I came across a week ago.  It's actually not bad.  If I was a parent myself, I would totally let my child watch this.  It's an original show.  The premise of it (in my own words) is about a young girl named Mila who has a magic pet "morphle" simply named Morphle.  They are both the best of friends and they have adventures.  Morphle (yep, you guessed it) has the ability to morph into anything Mila tells Morphle to morph into.  Watch the video above to check it out.  I thought it was weird, but thought to myself that I'd love this show if I was 4 or 5 years old again.

I was a bit captivated by this.  I couldn't watch it all the way through, but I'd be more than happy to watch it with my child (if I had one).  The animation is quite smooth and good.  The colors are also vibrant and nice.  This webtoon series is a hidden gem of the 2010's.  Now there's no rhyme or reason why Morphle exists.  Perhaps there will be an origin story about him.

I have not much else to say about My Magic Pet Morphle.  Are you a parent and looking for a new show for your child to watch?  I highly recommend My Magic Pet Morphle.  Go to the official website for more videos.  Well I guess this is my first review on here.  I reviewed some web series for kids.  What's my final verdict on this?  5/5!

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