Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Two entries in one day? Wowie zowie! I'm listening to Fugazi, FYI.

That's right, I have decided to go for another blog entry for today.  Look, I know that this blog will not be read.  Maybe if you're a fudd, you may be reading this?  Anyway... I'm listening to Fugazi's Instrument Soundtrack album at the moment.  I decided to check out Fugazi after reading that 311 played their first show with Fugazi.  I read about this during my early days as a 311 fan (circa 1998).  I got their Repeater + 3 Songs album first.  It was the only album I had for years.  As time went by, I got the rest of Fugazi's discography and I've been doing a discography run of Fugazi.  This discography run started on 4/24/17 according to my iTunes library.  Fugazi is a great band, but not one of my favorites.  I have listened to more of their material and I gotta say that Repeater + 3 Songs is probably their best.  Many Fugazi fans will most likely agree with me on this as well.  Yeah... well enough on Fugazi.  What else do I have on my mind?

Rick and Morty.  My friend Kevin Monahan says that season 4 is a hoax (I think in his own words, he calls it a "troll").  Now is it?  I dunno.  I look forward to a season 4 of Rick and Morty.  Interestingly, I knew about Rick and Morty since it was a new animated show.  However, I didn't start watching it in 2017.  In 2017, I fell in love with the animated show.  Heck, I will even say that it's better than South Park!!! South Park has dwindled in the past few years, IMO.  Ever since they introduced PC Principal, it went totally downhill.  I have watched all of the episodes from season one to season twenty.  However, I have only watched three episodes from season 21.  I dunno... I think it's not as good as it was anymore.  I had the most fun watching it any time between 2007-2010.  Maybe, maybe to 2011... I wish South Park was awesome again.  Maybe I'll have to watch episodes 4-10 in season 21 and all of season 22.  I have the DVD's and when I feel like it... I'll watch them!

Hehe, as I'm writing this... I'm still listening to Fugazi and I thought I was listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers.  Dude, the song Cashout by Fugazi sounds like a Red Hot Chili Peppers song!!!  Cray cray, right?  Woah!!!!!!  Now that blows my fuckin' mind, man.  Yeah Fugazi rocks!

I'm having fun with these blogs entries.  I know I'm not gonna be this overnight sensation with my blogs.  I don't intend that to happen.  If you are reading this, I highly recommend you getting in contact with me and talk about it with me.  I have my contact info in my previous blog.  One day, I might consider doing vlogs.  Actually... I might have done that already.  Take a gander at my YouTube page. Geez, what was I thinking with that legacy username?  I'm one of the lucky YouTubers that registered at a point in time where you had the ability to have your own username instead of some random weird bollocks that YT sets up for you.  I know if you got some creator privileges or whatever, you may set up a unique YT URL and it has "/c/" instead of "/user/" if I'm not mistaken.

Am I going for an epic blog entry?  Maybe... I dunno!  Do I have any deep, insightful, witty, etc. things to tell you all?  Hmm... no, but one of the best pieces of advice I learned from 311 is "stay positive and love your life" from Jupiter off Transistor.   That's a real game changer if you seriously follow that and you take that seriously.  You got the world in your hands and you're gonna do exuberantly well.  I'll most likely never understand why people have so much low vibration and negative energy.  I would love to eradicate all of the low vibration and negative energy that is plaguing the world.  Seriously!  Who is with me on this?!  We need to get more high vibration and positive energy!  We can do it!  I take action every single day with my life to improve myself and I'm full of high vibes & positive energy.  I truly mean it.  I'm in this incredible journey we call life.  I may not have all of the answers for you and I may not be the best person in the whole entire world.  I will tell you to stay positive and love your life!  That's my best piece of sound advice for anyone who reads this blog.

That's it.  I got nothing else to write.  So much for an epic blog entry?  Maybe next time...

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