Friday, December 27, 2019

Review: Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES) Was Not So Bad

Why in the world did Street Fighter Alpha 2 for the SNES exist?!  Why didn't they release the first Street Fighter Alpha first?  I have no idea.  I've been a big fighting game fan for years and I played many fighting games growing up in the 1990's.  It is bizarre that they decided to make a port of this game for the SNES.  I was not too thrilled about this port at first.  It was also not published by Capcom, it was published by Nintendo.  Capcom was more focused on publishing games for CD-based consoles at the time.

This was one of the very few SNES games to be actually 32-bits.  That's right.  The SNES was not only capable of handling 16-bit games, it also was capable of handling 32-bit games.  I forgot about other 32-bit games for the SNES.  Oh, Donkey Kong Country?

The game is a bit choppy (especially the sound), but it's so close to being arcade perfect.  There is a little bit of loading issues in this game.  There is this noticeable pause after the announcer says "fight" before you fight.  One notable aspect of this game is the fact that it is the only non-Street Fighter II game in the Street Fighter series that was ever released on the SNES.  If I'm not mistaken, this was one of the final SNES games period.  This was released at a point in time where the SNES was just about an obsolete console.  Nintendo was focusing their time with the Nintendo 64.

I thought it wasn't so bad.  The graphics are quite sweet.  The sound is actually not bad either, if it wasn't choppy it'd be great.  Some sounds are missing, but that's fine.  This isn't my go to Street Fighter game for the SNES... that would be SF II: Turbo or even SF II: The World Warrior.  It played pretty well and I loved how it was kind of close to being arcade perfect.  Better than the arcade version or the PSX version, no.  I only played this game a few times.  Final verdict?  I'd give it a 3/5.

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